We are into layers: H&N sole business is the breeding of superior, unrivalled and undefeated brown, white and tinted egg layers.
Each strain is selected to meet and exceed different market demands and business conditions throughout the world.
The unwavering goal of our breeding program is to select birds that lay more high quality saleable eggs per hen housed and to do so with industry leading efficiency in income over feed cost under a wide range of environmental conditions and feed supply conditions.
By policy and dedication H&N as employer attracts and employs only the best of the best qualified technical staff in the fields of poultry health, nutrition, hatchery and breeder management. We want to provide our customers with the latest, greatest and most efficient technical advice in all fields of poultry management. We always seek to provide technical service and support that is on time, on target and adds real value to our customers. That’s why you can expect honest explanations, true insights, sustainable solutions and all the support it takes to apply it and make it work for you.
As genetic company we see the world function naturally and organically. Likewise, we develop, grow and continuously improve our distribution processes and flawless supply chain in order to serve our customers better, yet better and even better now and in future.
We continuously try to anticipate the changing requirements of the world market and gear our efforts towards the goal of satisfying those needs today and tomorrow with parent stock that continue to be industry leading. We just can’t help it, we want you to be the happiest customers because you partner with us.