Launch of KAI Blue
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

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Launch of KAI Blue

KAI – Officially launches 25th November 2021.

KAI – The layer farming assistant of H&N International

Watch a recording of our online launch event of KAI, the industries’ first layer farming assistant. Introduced and presented by host Dr. Fernando Carrasquer KAI comes as a true novelty designed for true holistic assistance in all bird and egg production processes.

KAI is an assistant like no other, because it combines data analysis with proactive recommendations and activity alerts for each single day and each development step in the life of a bird. KAI proactively tells you everything you need to know and do! Optimized for mobile phones KAI is a real digital companion to be taken anywhere you want – barn, office, house or on holiday. What KAI does is making layer farming more efficient, faster, saver and altogether easier than ever. Modern layer farming management is portable and can happen from anywhere in the world now.

KAI for Android is available NOW. Download it on Google Play and App Store and click here to create your personal activation code. Apple is currently working on making the iOS Version avaible, too – we will keep you in the loop once Apple succeeds.