H&N Layer Academy Middle East
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Upcoming Events

H&N Layer Academy Middle East

H&N Layer Academy Middle East

Couldn’t join us earlier onsite in Dubai? No problem, here you can watch the sessions again. 


Breeding for your success: Dr. David Cavero


Rearing for 100 weeks: Leon Schouren


Hybrid feed: Ahmet Akpulat


Immunity for late production: Dr. Fernando Carrasquer


Phytomolecule. Natural Concepts to Optimize Gut health and Performance in layer hen: Khalil Alrahman Abu Sharkh


Biosecurity: Dr. Fernando Carrasquer


IB in egg production: Husam Bakri


LPAI H9N2: Abdelrahman Magdy


Light program to control your egg size: Leon Schouren


FCR vs Cost of egg production: Dr. David Cavero


Diets in egg production: Xabier Arbe


How was our Layer Academy in Dubai? Overwhelming, full of good things, extraordinary, just simply, truly, really … great! Watch the trailer to get a taste!