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H&N International at WPVC by HIPRA – Tapping into opportunities of omnipresence
Cuxhaven, 23.06.2021 – Some 145 plus visitors, far more clicks especially on localizable posters, documents and also the recent company movie “The oval eggspedition” later Xabier Arbe, Business Unit Manager resumes: “Participating at the World Poultry Virtual Congress (WPVC) by HIPRA was a great opportunity to welcome industry professionals, hatchery and technical specialists and business newcomers alike.”
Dr. Fernando Carrasquer delivered two key-note speeches about the importance of biosecurity and immunity in older layers.
“Attending a virtual conference as a virtual person still may seem odd”, says Arbe. “Yet, we greatly embrace all channels that allow us to get in touch with prospects and our customers around the world. And we meet them personally, after all there are still real people behind the computer screens. Being the most customer centered genetic company means to reach out our customers even in a virtual avatar format.”
Avatar 1 – Avatar dressing up for WPVC by HIPRA
HIPRA Booth of H&N