Nick Rooster Quiz
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Nick Rooster Quiz

Nick Rooster Quiz

Win in our new Quiz and “Roast the Rooster” 

So far – H&N Deteggtive Nick Rooster solved real life cases – so good! But he did so with all your support and help, which certainly also turned you into yet better deteggtives! Time to test all that know-how! And this time to also turn it into tangible wins – participate in our quiz each month, win a price each quarter and become the worldwide winner that takes it all at the end-of-year Quarterlies’ Quest! 

Nick Rooster Quiz

What’s the quiz about? 

Again, Nick Rooster draws from real life cases – but this time he uses the widely known Kahoot-Quiz format to offer players a multiple choice-answer. You compete against the best of your own industry, against farmers and egg producers in other countries and your own. Can you make it an “Roast the Rooster” to claim your place on the winner’s rostrum?  

How to play? 

Follow H&N International on LinkedIn. Once a month we start the Quiz, and you can play simply by clicking on the posted link. You can play one time per month. The winners of every three months compete against each other for the Champion of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter – and finally in February 2026 the Champions re-unite in the Quarterlies’ Quest to claim the final win. All winners, monthly, quarterly and, of course, final winner will get mentioned in LinkedIn. 

What about prices? 

Quarterly Champions can win H&N Clothing like Caps, Shirts, Jackets. The price for the worldwide winner is free access to the next H&N Academy event, flights and hotel are on us. This final price is worth a few thousand dollars, so it’s advisable to go through all previous Nick Rooster Cases again and arm yourself with all the know-how presented there. 

When does it start?

Nick Rooster is back in his new role in February 2025 on LinkedIn.