Creating a Cracker of a Campaign
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Creating a Cracker of a Campaign

Dr. David Cavero
Chief Geneticist H&N International

A look behind the scenes of our marketing campaign around eggshell strength

Creating a Cracker of a Campaign

Dr. David Cavero
Chief Geneticist H&N International

Shell strength is one of the biggest unique selling propositions (USP) H&N International has to offer. “Our birds produce the best eggshell strength in the...

Creating a Cracker of a Campaign

Dr. David Cavero
Chief Geneticist H&N International
Shell strength is one of the biggest unique selling propositions (USP) H&N International has to offer. “Our birds produce the best eggshell strength in the industry, and we have collected hard data over many years to proof that”, says Dr. David Cavero. But how could we market an asset of strength that really only becomes relevant when it cracks?But one egg more or less looks like another. It is hard to tell which is which until one gets broken during transport or even doesn’t make it into the carton while another makes it to its’ final destination intact. One single broken egg can even downgrade the entire box of eggs, so the broken egg is not replaced but the entire box stays on the supermarket shelf unsold. A crack really is a serious thing! Read the full article please Sign in or Register.