New Cage-Free Guides for each of our breeds

On 18th February we launched five new Cage-Free Guides: all H&N birds—Nick Chick, Super Nick, Crystal Nick, Coral and Brown Nick— can also be kept...
On 18th February we launched five new Cage-Free Guides: all H&N birds—Nick Chick, Super Nick, Crystal Nick, Coral and Brown Nick— can also be kept cage-free.

Coral Tinted commercial layer
This is important, since cagefree is gaining more and more momentum in many markets. The new guides for cage-free management of each of our breeds reflect that development.
Super Nick White commercial layer
The new guides come in a completely new layout, and contain a wealth of the latest data, for example updated performance data and new nutritional recommendations. There were 144 participants for the online launch.

Black Nick Brown egg layer
If you are interested in taking your birds out of the cage, look at the new CageFree Management Guides and download yours from the H&N International website

Crystal Nick White commercial layer
VIV Europe
From 31st May until 2nd June our colleagues Dr. Pratap Rananavare and Leon Schouren represented H&N International at the VIV Europe in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
H&N International participated as a partner of Pluriton at a shared booth numbered 11.D074 in Hall 11. About 600 exhibitors from around the world were there, presenting their latest updates in farm production,
One of our big new advances in 2022 is KAI, our farming assistant. KAI is an app designed to revolutionize layer production, “because KAI literally puts it all in your hands! You get real advice and early warnings to help prevent production parameters from going off course. And you can manage your farm, your birds and collaborate with your staff—all over your mobile phone,” explains Leon Schouren from Technical Service H&N International Europe.

IPPE Atlanta, USA
All of our team members always look forward to attending the yearly International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta. But this year we longed even more to finally meet customers and prospects again. Our team in the Americas, Dr. Ronald Trenchi, Dr. Maurice Raccoursier and Dr. Pablo Campino, all came on-site and enjoyed their stay at this year’s IPPE.
“It was so nice to see each other again and meet old and new customers and friends in person to talk to many interested prospects with whom we had only been in touch through videoconferences until now,” says Maurice Raccoursier.
Many things had changed since the last IPPE. But luckily, the hot topics and key take-aways remain the same: “People have a high and evergrowing interest in adaptable birds,” is what Dr. Raccoursier observed. “Everyone wanted to know more about how well our birds are performing in the field. Producers who already have H&N told us they are experiencing very good performance and excellent quality!”

Thanks to the industry-leading efficiency of H&N birds, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), a crucial criterion in determining real profits, has remained stable despite many skyrocketing external costs. “Efficient birds that also produce efficiently and reliably during their entire life cycle are like a really good insurance policy, especially in hard times. That’s why more and more customers are demanding good TCO as part of a more plannable, more secure future.”
How were the business meetings? “Among the most interesting ones was one with a commercial producer from Canada who showed us very impressive results with Nick Chick. We know what our birds can achieve, of course, so we always like to see customers unleash that potential and enjoy it to the fullest.
Other meetings we had were about interesting opportunities in the southern hemisphere, in South America and also Africa.”
So altogether it was great to be at IPPE, according to all three H&N International representatives. “It was just great to talk in person with old and new friends, and wonderful to have dinner together again, sharing a laugh and afterwards having some drinks with friends from the poultry industry whom we haven’t been able to raise a toast to in a long while! Although video meetings will keep playing a key role in serving needs fast around the globe, video meetings cannot replace those real moments of shared joy!”