Yippy-aye-ay IPPE
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Yippy-aye-ay IPPE

Yippy-aye-ay IPPE


H&N International at the IPPE 2022, Atlanta

We always looked forward to attending the yearly International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta. But this year we longed even more to finally meet again with customers and prospects. Our Team in the Americas, Dr. Ronald Trenchi, Dr. Maurice Raccoursier and Dr. Pablo Campino came onsite and enjoyed their stay at this years’ IPPE.

“It was so nice to see each other again and meet in person with old and new customers, friends and talk to many interested prospects with whom we had only been in touch through videoconferences until now”, says Maurice Raccoursier.

Many things have changed due to the Pandemic. But luckily, leading topics and key outtakes still remain the same Maurice says: “People have a high and growing interest into adaptable birds. Into how good our birds are performing in the field. Producers who already have H&N tells us that they are experiencing very good performance and excellent quality. Thanks to the industry leading efficiency of our birds, the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) which is a crucial criterion in determining real profit, remained stable despite many external costs skyrocketing. Efficient birds that produce efficiently and reliably during their entire lifecycle are like a real good insurance in difficult times like now. That’s why more and more customers demand a good TCO as part of a more plannable, more secure future.”

How about meetings? “Among the most interesting ones was one with a commercial producer from Canada who showed us very impressive results with Nick Chick. We know what our birds can achieve, of course, therefore we always like to see customers “unbox” that potential and enjoy it to the fullest. Other meetings were about interesting opportunities in the Southern Hemisphere, South America but also Africa.”

Altogether it was great to be at IPPE, says Maurice: “It was just great to talk in person with old and new friends. Wonderful in having dinner together again, sharing a laugh and having some drinks with friends from the poultry industry we couldn’t toast to in a long while! Although video meetings will keep playing a key role in serving needs fast around the globe, video meetings cannot replace those real moments of shared joy!”