More than the sum of its parts
Looking at the symbolism and system behind the diamond

More than the sum of its parts
Yes, they are beautiful to look at! They are probably not just a girl’s best friend! But what’s that thing we have going on with that diamond symbol?
Yes, they are beautiful to look at! They are probably not just a girl’s best friend! But what’s that thing we have going on with that diamond symbol?
You’ve probably seen it in the Diamond Posters (Link), the corresponding Diamond-Video (Link) and now the customer testimonials (link). Why did we choose it? Because it’s the perfect symbol for the concept of adaptability!
Visualizing a value-creating concept: Adaptability
H&N birds are the world’s most adaptable breeds. Adaptability means that the birds will adapt to your local needs, as you “personalize” them in the very sense of the word. And personalization has become super easy and safe with the help of our farming assistant KAI. The birds will be what you want them to be and what you make them. They will produce the egg targets you and your markets demand, and they will do so in any housing, any climate and with any feed. The birds are flexible and versatile to create hard value – in sellable eggs with world-leading shell quality.

OK, but where’s the diamond in this?
Adaptability is a set of traits that work together, in conjunction. Traits are very often looked at as if they were separate qualities that stood alone and had no effect on one another, albeit any trait can only be found active inside a species – outside, in a spread sheet or a brochure one trait never represents an entire species. It can even be misrepresentative to look at just one trait or judge from looking at just a few!
Not even in a machine a trait, or in mechanics a certain characteristic or feature stands on its own – quite the opposite. Speed is directly influenced by the type of fuel, design and aerodynamic drag of the car, weight of the vehicle body, material used to just name a few influencers. Likewise, and since all traits only exist in one living organism, also in H&N birds traits influence and empower one another. All traits purposefully work in an orchestrated, systemic way – coordinated to give customers exactly this world market-leading adaptability which makes them stand out.
Adaptability is a system, a set of traits that work perfectly together! Working together – ok, but don’t we all do that in one way or another? What makes this working-together, this live adaptive power so special? So spectacular as a concept?
Why adaptability is more than just the sum of traits
This is when the diamond enters the stage! Because a diamond, too, is more than the sum of its parts! Have you ever looked at, and we mean really looked at a diamond? It’s lines, its facetted surfaces, its sparkling reflection, and its perfect geometry?
In the austere language of chemistry, a diamond is the cubic modification of the element carbon, or crystalized carbon, atomic number 6 in the periodic table, nonmetallic, tetravalent, meaning its atom making four electrons available to form covalent chemical bonds.
Physically described a diamond is the hardest known material and can be transparent or opaque with none or weak birefringence – that’s the optical property of a material, it’s ability to break light into two mutually polarized sub-beams. A diamond is an optically anisotropic media, which means there is a directional dependence of the light-breaking process. In simple words: the fascinating sparkle we see when we look at the vivid optical concert of dark, light, and transparent surfaces and white, light grey, dark grey and rosé, orange, minty, vanilla, lilac and powder blue pastel shades and hues. The fascination of the object as it breaks the light when we move it or move with it while wearing jewelry – or if we cannot touch it at all ourselves because the diamond is kept in a glass cabinet, as we move around it. A couple of famous diamonds can only be seen through safety glass, or on rear occasions on TV:
Famous Diamonds
➤The Great Star of Africa aka Cullinan I (530,20 Carats) in the British sovereign’s sceptre
➤The Orloff (189,62 Carats) in the Russian Zar’s imperial sceptre
➤Koh-i-Noor (108,9360 Carats) in the British Imperial State Crown
Compare to eggs …
➤Nick Chick Avg EW: 61.6 g would equal 308 carats
➤Brown Nick Avg EW 64,2 g would equaling 321 carats
➤Super Nick Avg EW 63,5 g would equaling 317.5 carats

Like Carbon, Carat, Color, Clarity and Cut
Color, clarity, carat weight, and cut make up a grading system that determines the quality and price of a diamond. The measurement carat indicates the mass of gemstones: 1 metric carat = 0,2 gr or 200 mg.
The rarest color in natural diamonds is red. Only very few small red ones are currently known, they are so scarce that it is estimated that one gram or half a carat could cost around five million US-Dollar!
Of the nine or ten or more fancy cuts the classical round brilliant cut is the most popular – all lines unite in one point, the culet, and from there seem to blossom out, unfolding into a firework of lines and shines!
Let’s not forget, it’s only carbon! The fourth most abundant in the observable universe and part of what humans are made of, on average by 12 to 18 percent, some 14 kg in the average grown up human! How can such an everyday-everywhere element be so special? What’s that dazzling more then the sum of all parts? And why does the fascination of diamonds, their concept, even affect us when they are not real and only made from glass – or if we see them just as digital visual like Marchello Barenghis amazing speed drawing.
It’s because of their concept and their anatomy
Diamond-Anatomy in round brilliant cut
➤Upper part – crown, with the table, Star, bezel and upper girdle facets
➤The girdle
➤Lower part – pavilion with lower girdle facet, pavilion facets and culet
Through centuries diamonds have been associated with value, wealth, power and beauty. Not just because they cost money, because they display perfection, ideal aesthetics of coordinated parts – the beauty of coordination! It is that concept of coordinated traits in H&N birds that allows you to produce edible gems that gain you hard profits!