Perfect Parenting of Parent Stock
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Perfect Parenting of Parent Stock

Perfect Parenting of Parent Stock

H&N International releases New Management Guides for H&N Parent Stock of each breed

Cuxhaven, 12.04.2021 – Customers who are keen on exponential business success will root it in a strong beginning. Giving Parent Stock the best possible start means to pass on that advantage to the offspring as well. H&N International makes managing Parent Stock easy and releases new Management Guides for Parent Stock of each breed.

The new guides feature updated performance data, new nutritional recommendations and latest insights into biosecurity and vaccination tracking. The new Parent Stock Management Guides can be downloaded from the H&N International website here.

Unleashing the full “PS” power of your Parent Stock

That’s exactly what the new Management Guide helps with: “Structured by chapters along the actual production lifecycle there are easy step-by-step descriptions of all mandatory processes and key performance indicators (KPI), practical hints and explanatory illustrations” says Maurice Raccoursier.

The release of the new performance table allows an updated benchmarks of all core KPIs at one glance, so local results can always be checked on very fast. That’s important because anything that may seem off track requires customers to take immediate counteraction to protect their profits.

“We select our birds to adapt to any possible local market requirement like no other in the industry. But to fully benefit from this adaptive potential, Parent Stock breeders must know how to calibrate their birds so they can really show their full potential”, says Dr. David Cavero, Chief Geneticist.

Control and follow up

Only the constant control and checking of production data and KPIs reveals aberrations and allows for fast turnarounds before results – and profits – get affected. “But data is key: All those customers with a regular production data monitoring are local market leaders. Getting fast analytics means fast reactions. Faster than competition”, says Dr. Cavero.

The whole support team of H&N is available to support the customers to release the full potential of the Parent Stock. “Our global field team with multilingual specialists and experts is always close for support whenever needed”, says Dr. Fernando Carrasquer.

There is a new emphasis on biosecurity and health control. “Another good news is that prevention really always pays off. If customers know how – and our Management Guide shows how for each of our breeds – preventive measures can preempt many risks, they can even save more money”, says Maurice Raccoursier, who also hosted the video-launch of H&N Internationals new Parent Stock Management Guide.

Please register to watch a recording of the launch with presentations by Xabier Arbe, Dr. David Cavero, Dr. Fernando Carrasquer and Maurice Raccoursier.