Best Flocks awarded at H&N Distributor Conference 2023, Istanbul
Outstanding work deserves outstanding acknowledgment! The highlight and culminating moment of each Distributor Conference is the Award-Ceremony to recognize the best flocks. It’s a brief moment compared with our distributors doing outstanding work every day and working towards excellence of their flocks.

Although H&N is a breed with long standing tradition since 1945 most of our distributors are pioneers and thought leaders in their country as they apply and unfold the unique potential of the H&N brand. That’s because H&N is really more than world-class genetics, what we offer is a well thought-throw economic system enabling greater profits safer and with greater value for all participants in the value creation chain. To understand and embrace that takes some though leadership and sometimes the readiness to question and improve processes to the better.
Some of our longest standing H&N distributors are already market leaders, many are evolving strongly with new distributors ramping up very fast. All of them powerful market forces to reckon with.
H&Ns founder, Art Heisdorf, too, was a thought-leader and pioneer. He became a force to reckon with as his scientific way of breeding and documenting selection choices revolutionized and modernized the poultry industry. Thanks to Art Heisdorfs methods H&N International soon grew to a world market leader in genetics and helped other brands grow big, too!
Art Heisdorf based everything he did on hard data. Art and his wife Mary were literally taking data from each single chick, each single hen, each single egg every single day.
Because they wanted to base their selection on solid systematic proof, scientifically transparent data through and through.
Art Heisdorf was not just a scientist but also a computer-pioneer.
The Heisdorfs already used computing technology in their breeding process even before NASA used computing technology to put a man on the moon! In fact, even before NASA was founded!
Their goal was simple: the best flock. Always just the best! And with a proven track record.
Therefore, in proud memory of our founder Arthur Heisdorf, better known by his nickname “Art” the award for the best H&N flock is named “Arty”.
Different from an “Oscar” statue which is in essence just gold-coated cheaper metal, the H&N “Arty” is solid laser engraved glass and transparent through and through. Like Heisdorf’s breeding procedure. Because hard data proof that H&N flocks are world class winners!
And the winner is:
Congratulations to Bart Grosfeld and Hans Groot-Koerkamp of Agromix, Netherlands for the best white Parent Stock flock 2022.
Congratulations to Silvina Ermacora and Joaquin Suarez of Cabaña Barhy, Argentina for the best brown Parent Stock Flock 2022! Cabaña Barhy wins the second time in a row, they also won the best flock 2021 in Mallorca last year!