H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers


2020 H&N was founded 75 years ago. Along with our 75th anniversary we also celebrate a first year as an independent company.


March 2020 The marketing department gets a new member as Saskia Riedel joins company. The team starts planning a new company website. H&N International is an...


March 2020
The marketing department gets a new member as Saskia Riedel joins company.
The team starts planning a new company website.

H&N International is an exciting company, so we need our website to show that.

New images, a new navigational structure, The Chickipedia as our own online encyclopedia, the campus as central place of learning and study, including a library, an auditorium and a science hub.News are displayed in a dedicated Newsroom with a news reel on the front site.
Oh, and the front site… yes, our site looks different. Because H&N International is different. Our intro was created to illustrate that we are really into our business, and that our birds are truly international with a global footprint.

April 2020

As we start planning the new edition of our “Facts that Figure” company magazine we soon recognize that this years’ edition will be a special one. Because of the Anniversary, but also because there are so many things to tell and show.
First and foremost, there are three great customer stories all from long-term customers as center pieces. More content can be seen here:

Meanwhile more and more restrictions due to the pandemic come up. It dawns on everyone that travelling, events and trainings will be affected.
We need a Plan B – and it must be as good or even better than Plan A. Because H&N International still has to step out and show our future agenda for the next 75 years and more.
The year will be tough on everyone, but we won’t let ourselves be tied down.

August 2020
The new website has already launched its self-step by step and with more subsites being added like for instance the VIP-Lounge and the Order Online for Parent Stock customers.

Now is the time to also launch the Anniversary Edition of the “Facts that Figure”, the printed edition is almost half a kilogram (482 grams to be precise) of company information, and it is mirrored by a digital edition as a first in kind of the new online “Facts that Figure” to come.


October 2020
We take the Academy online and decide for “home delivery” of the content: One week, three different events over three time zones. Almost 500 participants! Not bad for a start.

November 2020
Planning starts for “The Oval Eggspedition”, our first company movie.

December 2020
Also, the global technical team grows as Dr. Fuichong Lai joins H&N International as the new key account manager for China, Taiwan and Malaysia.



January 2021

2021 – A new year with more novelties yet to come.
We are just getting started, be prepared for yet some more new and exciting formats and news.
Start of our LinkedIn-Channel with weekly updates.

February 2021

Our first fully virtual colleague, the “deteggtive” Nick Rooster enters the stage and throws himself head on into solving real cases.
Nick Rooster is a learning format designed to make acquiring knowledge faster and more fun than for example reading a science book.
H&N International is featured on the cover and with a central story in Asian AgriBiz.

March 2021

We release the new parent stock guides. From one guide for all breeds to one single guide for each breed.

April 2021
Premiere of the Movie “The Oval Eggspedition” and start of the campaign promoting the industries’ leading eggshell strength.


May 2021

Layer Academy Asia: More than 300 participants joined the Layer Academy for Asia in May over the course of two days. Interaction between attendees and speakers played the key role: Polls and the opportunity to phrase livequestions during the entire event-time enabled a real bi-directional exchange.

Layer Academy Latin America: More than 150 participants came 2 days together to the Layer Academy for Latin America. The entire Academy was held in Spanish for the first time. Interaction between attendees and speakers played the key role: Polls and the opportunity to phrase live-questions during the entire event-time enabled a real bi-directional exchange.

June 2021
Pre-Launch of the new “Nick Coin Customer Loyalty Program” with personal briefings for each parent stock customer.

Participating at the first World Poultry Virtual Congress (WPVC) by HIPRA was a great opportunity to welcome industry professionals, hatchery and technical specialists and business newcomers alike.

The H&N International booth saw some 145 plus visitors, and we got far more clicks on our website, especially on localizable posters, documents and the company movie “The oval eggspedition”.

July 2021
We continue in the same style of our Nick Rooster learning format to offer more insights on complex things.

The first “Capsule” gets released and makes more complex topics like “Starting into hatchery business” or “Liver health” easy like swallowing a vitamin capsule.

August 2021
When working with H&N bird’s farmers can enjoy what is “Simply the beauty of coordination”: We explain the multiple orchestrated benefits of our breeds by launching the “Diamond Video”. The same content will also be available in future as a printed poster with a special folding that customers will be able to get for their marketing purposes.

The H&N Online Museum opens its doors to a timeline of the company. Visitors can also leaf through Art and Mary Heisdorfs’ personal scrapbook and witness the very beginnings of the company in 1947, illustrated with newspaper articles and examples of the Heisdorfs’ business knowledge and cutting-edge creativity.

September 2021

Xabier Arbe gets appointed Managing Director of H&N International.

Layer Academy Russia around 200 participants came together for the Layer Academy for Russia. Big success for Russian region…

Layer Academy USA – 50 plus participants joined on two days the Layer Academy for North America…

October/November 2021
Launch of new edition of online Facts that Figure.

November 2021
Planned Launch of KAI, the industries’ first real artificial intelligence app for rearing and production.