3rd H&N Distributor Conference on Mallorca
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

3rd H&N Distributor Conference on Mallorca

3rd H&N Distributor Conference on Mallorca

Report of H&N International Distributors Conference 2022, Mallorca

Lift off into the future together

Cuxhaven, Mallorca – “Terrific! After two years of online meetings the Distributor Conference 2022
was our first real event since we became independent!” says Xabier Arbe, Managing Director of
H&N International. Another premiere that 57 people in total attended over the course of four days
from 9 th to 12 th May. Not that those online meetings so far do not count as real events. But a real
event still means different preparation and execution. Kira Doehring, Global Marketing at H&N
International, designed and oversaw the entire event management including event logistics,
content planning, travel and accommodation, hospitality elements and finally the event program.
“She really did a fantastic job and delivered very well on our brand promise!”, says Arbe.

Under the motto “Creating the future together” customers from all over the world had gathered at the Melia Palma Marina in Mallorca. “The majority of our customer base was present there. And we dearly missed all customers and one colleague from the technical team who did not get their visa in time or had other reasons hindering them from joining us”, says Xabier Arbe, Managing Director of H&N International. “We do hope for future opportunities to get in touch and will keep everybody posted!”

The ingredient of success

As a matter of fact, times are more challenging than ever. “Everyone knows that. What matters is, how exactly we will continue doing business and what we will do to stay profitable”, says Arbe. The crucial element of the event’s motto is: Together. Together we will be able to turn challenges into chances that we can harness.”
The program was dense and combined updates on business data and genetic performance as well as workshops and discussion rounds. Companions could enjoy two sight-seeing trips across the island and explore the famous flowstone cave Cueva del Drach and Valldemossa. And finally reunited in the big group also the city of Palma with the Cathedral.
On Tuesday evening the group split into smaller teams and competed in a tasty Paella cooking contest. “It was great fun and very delicious to try the various Paellas”, says Kira Doehring who happened to be member of the winning finalist team. The contest was a fun way to underline the importance of nutrients as well as the special process these must be added to the dish. A recipe for an authentic Paella Valenciana will be published in the next “Facts that Figure”.

Going together

In his final speech at Wednesday night’s Gala Dinner and “Best Flock” Award Giving Ceremony Arbe draw a parallel to the first mission to put a man on the moon. A quest that seemed hardly possible until a dedicated team accomplished it in 1968. The important thing behind every successful mission is the team effort, supporting one another and uniting behind one goal. That is the “together- element”, the ingredient of success.
He then asked the winners of the “Best Flock Award” 2022 on stage and congratulated Cabaña Barhy, Argentine, represented by Silvina Ermacora and Gustavo Suarez for a great double success: “Both awards, one for a white and the other for a brown flock, are going to Argentine this year! Cabaña Barhy accomplished a legendary double success, and we are very honored to work with such dedicated customers!”, says Arbe.

Xabier Arbe, Managing Director of H&N International holding opening keynote at the Distributor Conference 2022 in Mallorca.

So, what’s next?

Two years into working as an independent company H&N International looks back on their brand as newly polished and clearly distinct from other suppliers. “We will continue this process of brand experience and will also support our customers to further strengthen their brands likewise. There will be more exchange, ongoing communication, faster information exchange and yet more offers of support. What matters is to keep creating our future together!” concludes Arbe.

Trailer Distributor Conference Mallorca 2022