Let us ask one key question: Is your feed optimized for your layer breed and the egg results you want to achieve? Yes? Perfect, you can be sure to obtain the results...
Let us ask one key question: Is your feed optimized for your layer breed and the egg results you want to achieve?
Yes? Perfect, you can be sure to obtain the results you desire and even change them any time you want, the way you want!

No? If your feed, your breed or egg results don’t match one another, you are more than likely to stay way below targets while overinvesting in feed. This is because even cheap feed is a waste if it is not effectively turned into egg targets, not to mention costlier feed.

Not sure? Not sure is almost like a “no”; chances are that the feed/breed/result ratio is poor, and your feed management feels more like gambling in a casino. Results may vary without clear reasons, and you are working more by trial and error.

The good news is that layertargeted and egg resultoriented feed management is not rocket science at all. Genetics companies test their own breeds to be able to give reproducible production results per bird. H&N International specializes in layer birds and has been field testing breeds for over 75 years. That’s a lot of field data to rely on!

Correct feed formulation and feed management is a straight, solid and easy-to-follow road to success. To make nutrition knowledge a winning strategy, we have invented H&N NutriCubes. They look like dice, but you can only win. Each site shows the number six. And inside the dice or cube, we unfold nutrition knowledge with brief bullet points and info-graphics on the six sides.

In total, there will be at least 60 NutriCubes, each cube representing one chapter. So far, the cubes are published twice a month as digital chapters. But in future we will also offer them as downloads to print, so they can be collected in a card box and used for learning or training purposes. They can be folded into a cube and placed on a desk. Or they can be folded flat like a 6-sided flyer or card and then fit into almost any shirt or jeans pocket—in case you need a crib sheet when you want to introduce layer feed management to others or speak about it in front of a bigger audience.

Aim for your target— point your nutrition in the right direction!
H&N NutriCubes equip you for an educated discussion and for informed decision-making! We want to enable egg industry stakeholders to really know and understand if their feed is really delivering what they need.
We want them to be able to get what their layer birds need for specific egg targets,” says Xabier Arbe, Managing Director and Chief Nutritionist at H&N International
Feed formulation must never feel like gambling. “The feed formulation is key to supporting the performance of genetics. It therefore needs to be adjusted to the genetic potential and production target.”
Genetics is based on proven recipes for success
Each layer breed’s needs as regards feed for a specific egg result is well researched and absolutely clear.
H&N NutriCubes present a knowledgeformat that troubleshoots problems and helps to turn feed formulation and feed management into a recipe for success and thus into a winning game!”, explains Arbe.

The truth about customization
Layer feed should be based on layer principles and not on mirroring other species.
We need to be critical about the design of the feed and pose the appropriate questions,” Arbe points out. So, going back basics, what are these crucial questions that must be answered?

“Is this feed layer-optimized for cost-efficient production?”
“Is this feed suited to the feed intake at my barn?”
“Will this feed give my layers all they need to achieve my specific egg type?”
The truth about target feed intake
Genetic companies usually measure how much nutrient intake their layer breeds need for certain results. H&N birds can adapt their feed intake so they can keep up optimum productivity with any feed as long it is well balanced. All layer feeds need a defined target feed intake stated to match the production needs. If that is ensured, there will also be good answers to these questions:

“Is the feed accurate to give the performance I am aiming for?”
“Are my raw material analyses accurate enough?”
“What is the IOFC?”
Every stakeholder in the layer business can benefit from H&N Nutricubes…
1. NutriCubes support selfemployed consultants and veterinarians to gain in layer feed reputation and win over new markets with truly layer-optimized recipes.
2. NutriCubes help in-house nutritionists achieve better results and support their impact on successful production.
3. NutriCubes can help premix companies to win over new markets by offering customized layer recipes for the different egg production targets with a comprehensive approach in additive usage.
4. NutriCubes can help premix companies to win over new markets by offering customized layer recipes for the different egg production targets with a comprehensive approach in additive usage.
Everybody can have a great benchmark when designing layer recipes or making layer feed. Now it’s available to everybody—and everybody can benefit from it!” enthuses Arbe. “Every stakeholder has something to win with layer-optimized feeds. That’s what we publish NutriCubes for.”