Kira Döhring, Global Marketing Communications Manager at H&N International, successfully completed her distance learning course as a certified online marketing...
Kira Döhring, Global Marketing Communications Manager at H&N International, successfully completed her distance learning course as a certified online marketing manager halfway through this year
Within a year and a half, she got to know and use many aspects of online marketing using the distance learning course that started in February 2021. From home, she then completed the exercise books and tasks that were sent to her home every month. Facts that Figure naturally wanted to know more:
What made you decide to take the course?
“I decided to do this distance learning course because there’s increasingly more happening online these days, and of course we in the company want to follow this trend. Due to my age, I already have a lot of experience in online marketing, social media and so-on, but as you know, we never stop learning.”

How exactly did it work online?
“The best thing about it was that I was able to set my own pace, as well as the times when I did something for the course. You’re totally independent, and you can always do something when you have time. Of course, self-motivation is a big issue with this scheme. Since you don’t have any fellow students but do everything on your own, I often had to force myself to do something. But that was OK, too!”
I received one or two books every month, which I ideally had to work through within that month
h. At the end of each issue there was a task to submit that I had to send after completing it. After about 12 months, I was through with the standard period of study and then had about three months to do my exam.
What was the most exciting thing about the course?
In general, I found the whole course very exciting in terms of content, as it was something completely new for me. It was also exciting for me in another sense: waiting for the grades every month after submitting the assignment.
What did you find really boring, unnecessary or annoying?
There were a few subject areas that I know I’ll probably never use myself, for example the presentation of a software for an online shop. In the meantime, it was exhausting to continue even if there was sometimes a lack of motivation, because you don’t have any encouragement from classmates or fellow students in that sense.
How do you think the field of online marketing will continue to develop?
I see a steady development and further growth in online marketing. New strategies, methods or trends are constantly being added. You have to keep adapting because consumer behaviour is changing so quickly.
Thanks to technological developments, today everything goes much faster!
Would you have done the course without the changes caused by the pandemic?
Yes. The whole time I had the idea of doing something along the lines of distance learning or studying after my traineeship as an industrial clerk. Of course, as far as this topic is concerned, the pandemic came in very handy for me, because all the restrictions meant that you could hardly do anything so I had a lot of time to make headway with the distance learning course.
Do you have a favourite channel?
Personal Instagram. Professional LinkedIn
H&N International warmly congratulates our colleague on the successfully completed degree, with which she once again greatly enriches our team!