At the bridge of the world and the heart of the universe
Report of the H&N Layer Academy 2024 at Panamá
Panamá City, March 2024 – Tiny in size compared to two oceans and two continents which it connects the world-famous Panamá Canal is huge in technology, history – and in effect! Like H&N Genetics, which is why we chose to have our H&N Layer Academy 2024 at this unique place of the world!

53 participants from Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Argentine, Ecuador, Colombia, Urugay, Paraguay, Honduras, Nicaragua and the USA spend three days of knowledge-exchange with us. Our core topics where future outlooks onto how H&N genetics will further optimize layer and egg production, how individually targeted light programs act as a major gauge to achieve individual egg targets, and finally how – and why – H&Ns digital farming assistance KAI is leading in the industry as the “App to date” offering the broadest gamut of features directly mirroring real processes at layer farms.
We got deeper and deeper into the subject, and finally in the afternoon got into sports tricots themed after our famous breeds to team up for the Trivial Poultry Championship. Although there are some easy wins build in, it’s not trivial at all, our quiz questions range across six categories starting from Genetics, Nutrition, Company History, and team further across marketing, management, and biosecurity. Three teams won the third, second and first price which is a digital treat of getting a 3D-Scan of the team that will preserve the winning-moment eternally!
The evening at “El Trapiche” was spent over an assortment of local food and accompanied by very colorful folklore dancing, drumming and singing.

Our second day was dedicated to the “Do’s and Don’ts” in Management and to problem solving of various issues. Nutrition, another major lever in maintaining production goals and driving egg targets, came on right before Lunch. Afterwards the group went on a trip through the historic parts of Panamá City and finally ended the day with a magic show at the “Casa Blanca Restaurant”.
Time is volatile, and the third and last day of the Academy was targeting “airborne” issues, such as medical conditions of the respiratory tract and Avian Influenza. The first part of the day was then wrapped up by a presentation of the exceptional potential in H&N birds of all H&N breeds, a reminder of just what customers can get when working with H&N birds!
A lively panel discussion with many great questions then unspun, it was great to get more perspectives into the local markets our distributors and their customers are managing. Finally, it was time for the certificate ceremony – a moment we at H&N always enjoy because it is a way to acknowledge and celebrate the work our distributors and their customers do locally. The last evening was spent right at the coast of the Pacific at the “Ocean Club”. And rumors have it also later at a roof top bar … which is great because successes deserve to be celebrated and celebrated onwards! We hope to continue create reasons to celebrate with all of you and look forward to our next opportunity to meet again soon!