H&N Academy 2017
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

H&N Academy 2017

H&N Academy 2017

Our this years’ H&N ACADEMY took place from 10th to 14th July in Cuxhaven. 41 people from 20 different nations followed our invitation to join the Academy for training and exchange of experiences. The technical service team arranged again a varied program.

The Academy started on Sunday evening with a common welcome dinner, so everyone has the chance to get to know each other.

In the next morning the training program started with a short presentation about the Company, afterwards some general topics like ‘Hatching Egg Handling’, ‘Housing & Brooding’ and ‘Rearing Management’ were discussed. The second day was all about Feeding, Feed Formulation and Feed structure. In the afternoon the attendants had the choice between visiting the feed mill or the veterinary laboratory, or to have some leisure time in Bremerhaven.
On Wednesday morning the program was led by our team from the veterinary laboratory, afterwards our Technical service team took over and held speeches about ‘Hygiene and Biosecurity’, ‘World Egg Industry’ and ‘Cage Free Management’. In the evening, the sweet singing voices of the participants were put to the test during our Karaoke session after a common dinner.

On Thursday, almost the last day in Cuxhaven, different speeches were presented about “Production Management”, “Poultry Red Mite” and “Genetics & Breeding”, the participants also got some information about our program “Flockman4you” and gain some practical experience. In the evening after the social dinner, the certificates of participation were handed over.

The training finished with a visit of Big Dutchman and EW-Group on Friday. Afterwards, the group went to Bremen where everybody could terminate the stay by some free time for shopping, sightseeing or just relaxing.
We are looking forward to our next H&N ACADEMY in 2018.