Get Farming Assistance 4.0 with H&Ns KAI
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Get Farming Assistance 4.0 with H&Ns KAI

Get Farming Assistance 4.0 with H&Ns KAI

H&N International

Get Farming Assistance 4.0 with H&Ns KAI

One App in two parts offers a multitude of benefits to layer and egg farmers

Cuxhaven, 10th October 2022 – KAI Red is available! The access code generator on is active as of today, so users can now download KAI Red from Google Play or AppStore and start it with their personal code – or with their existing code in case they already have KAI Blue, the first part of this revolutionary app for layer farming that came to market already in November 2021. KAI Red, the second part covering the production of table eggs and day-old pullets, was officially introduced on 22nd September 2022 with almost 200 attendees participating in the online launch event. Presenter Dr. Fernando Carrasquer highlighted key features of KAI Red to produce table eggs or day-old pullets.

Dr. Carrasquer is also one of the “fathers” of KAI and, together with Xabier Arbe, Managing Director of H&N International, contributed greatly to help create an app for true value add and utmost user-friendliness. “We designed both versions of KAI as a proactive consultant, a self-learning, result oriented forward-thinking farm assistant. Thus, it is far more than an App; it is designed to feel like a real, skilled expert, and very knowledgeable team member powered by Artificial Intelligence!” says Xabier Arbe.

Optimized for mobile devices on Android or iOS both version of KAI are real digital companions to be taken anywhere you want – right to the barn, to the hatchery, into your office, living room or even on holiday. KAI Blue and KAI Red enable easy, safe, proactive, scalable, state of the art layer and egg farming – and all totally free of charge!

KAI Blue for rearing and KAI Red for production are adapted to H&N International breeds and their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), both can also be used with other breeds on the occasion that farmers have more than one breed in their farms. KAI will support the farmers to successfully achieve the genetic potential of H&N birds’ performance and will allow them to make facts-based decisions on benchmarking the performance against other breeds.
Meet KAI and learn more about the farming assistance app 4.0 for your layer and egg farming: