Art is not just paintings; art is made up of so much more. Moreover, sculptures can be seen as going a step further. Whereas paintings or photographs are confined to two...
Art is not just paintings; art is made up of so much more. Moreover, sculptures can be seen as going a step further. Whereas paintings or photographs are confined to two dimensions, sculptures co-exist with you in the three-dimensional world. And sometimes they open the door to another level!
The centrepiece of our campaign around the best eggshell strength is the short movie entitled The oval Eggspedition. The footage of a real eggshell was created by science photographer and nano-movie inventor Stefan Diller from Wuerzburg, Germany.
He was also involved in photographing the world’s smallest sculpture so far: a microscopic polymer statue of a woman on a human hair by the South African sculptor Jonty Hurwitz. The woman portrayed is his wife, Yifat Davidoff.

Joan Miro sculpture in Mallorca; (On Calle Palau Reial, the bronze sculpture of a woman by Joan Miró called Monumento; photo by Tony Hernandez, La Marmota
Jonty Hurwitz has a very special way of expressing and sharing ideas. We cannot touch the amazing nanosculpture measuring 0.01 cm and could not even see Yifat’s statue on the hair without the aid of a microscope. But it is proof that the tiny world exists. Things exist even if we cannot see them!
Becoming a part of art
My fascination with Jonty Hurwitz’ works is about these new perspectives he opens up. They are not just perspectives to look at something in a new way. It’s more like opening doors into another dimension that make the spectator a part of the sculpture! The spectator is drawn in (no pun intended) and becomes an active part—a part of art!
Imagine watching a movie on DVD and pressing the “pause” button on the remote control to freeze the scene. Then imagine you could enter it! With movies that’s not possible, but a Hurwitz sculpture does just that:
This sculpture called Extinction? shows a frog. But is it really a frog, since you can only see the frog reflected in the cylindrical mirror? Take that mirror away and the frog is a big lump of morphed metal. Is it still a frog now? And if not, what is it? And what makes it what it is? The material? The artist? The cylindrical mirror? Your gaze into the mirror? It’s all of these together!
Famous frogs Kermit the Frog is another lovable world-famous character with a star of his own on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, although technically speaking, being green Kermit is not even a biological species.
What makes him The Frog? Jim Henson created and played him so well for 45 years, we never even wanted to pause for thought about him hidden behind the stage (although he, too, as his own star on the Walk of Fame). Jim Henson literally and in the very real sense of the word was part of the art he create
The amazing sculpting technique we can see in Extinction? and many other of Jonty Hurwitz’ works can visually explain how the development of genetic potential works in agriculture. That is because you, the layer farmers and egg producers, play a vital part in bringing it out.

Extinction? by Jonty Hurwitz, 2016 | 200 x 200 x 150 cm, bronze and steel; see the video here: Jonty Hurwitz has a very special way of expressing and sharing ideas.
The principle of cause and effect
When explaining genetics, health aspects or evolving potentials, we too talk about things we cannot see yet because they will happen in the future. If and how they will happen tomorrow always depends on your husbandry today!
The very way you manage your birds today determines your future business result. Just like you seeing the future in a mirror! And it is also like the image in the mirror changing when you alter something about the object facing the mirror, maybe because you feel it’s too bulky, wavy, unfroggish or looks too strange altogether in the way it is designed and you should have known better. But beware! It has been designed to work.
Genetics is what you make out of it!
Any change in the design set-up here will alter the image in the mirror there—that is exactly the same concept as in layer genetics! H&N International has been breeding with its own pools since 1945. Over 75 years evaluating traits and performance data have led to the insights and performance forecasts that H&N states and offers today.