Boost your sales!
Why H&N’s Marketing Value Portal is the first of its kind in the entire poultry industry
It’s a common problem: production is crucial, so everything gets...

Boost your sales!
Why H&N’s Marketing Value Portal is the first of its kind in the entire poultry industry
It’s a common problem: production is crucial, so everything gets...
Why H&N’s Marketing Value Portal is the first of its kind in the entire poultry industry
It’s a common problem: production is crucial, so everything gets dedicated to it. Marketing and sales are only considered if there is any time left over. And if there isn’t…then what?
Going hand-in-hand – production and sales
Sales is equally important as production. But too often it ranks last. Even the best-produced flock will turn out a failure without generating turnover—that is, getting sold at a good price. You must sell well what you do well! You need to position your birds second to none in each of your local markets. Make your customers know—and demand—the value of your birds.
That is what H&N’s new portal is: a unique first-of-a-kind, best-of-breed sales tool providing you with tangible detailed propositions for the sellable market value of our hens. How great they are and why. The new portal is where you get your sales gear to arm your sales force with content, material, and self-esteem to proudly sell an industry-leading, high-performing brand. Your brand!
Please take it personal—personalize your hen and tailor your marketing & sales
H&N birds’ genetics make them the most adaptable in the industry. That means they will be what you need: mass producers of early eggs or suppliers of jumbo sizes. They can give you the very egg targets your markets demand. And they will do so in any housing, any climate and with any feed!
It’s you who “drives” them by way of correct layer feed management, correct light programs, and due diligence in timed procedures.
All that is far easier than you may think, because you can even do so remotely with KAI Farming Assistance! KAI tells you precisely and in easy words each and every step, keeping track of all tasks and sending reminders or alerts if any indicator begins to go off track.
KAI creates the reports you need and gives you real-time support any time you need it! So, production can run like charm towards your personal goals.
Make your sales strategic!
Sales, too, will adapt to your individual market’s demand. Your staff members assigned to sales and marketing—or yourself if you personally handle sales—get everything you need to position and describe H&N Birds correctly in each local market. You can find product messaging for each H&N breed with corresponding materials such as posters, flyers, brochures and even videos.
Adapting any material to your language or even creating new material for yourselves? No problem at all; let’s look into all the options.
Material translation, for example, is very easy—you only need to pick your material; just give us your translation, and we’ll do all the rest to edit and lay out your personalized material, add your logo and any other amendments.
Are you losing money? Check on your marketing cash rebate
Remember that there is money set aside for you! Each customer model—PRO, PREMIUM and ELITE—is eligible for a percentage of cash rebate for your own marketing purposes!
This is a direct investment from H&N International into your local sales success—so claim your money and use it to your own benefit!
Here is how:
The MVP Portal
MVP stands for Marketing Value Proposition—the value your H&N product brings to your local market. The MVP is structured like a portal, with more contents constantly coming in.
The MVP Portal currently covers our four main breeds: Brown Nick, Nick Chick, Crystal Nick and Super Nick, with the largest global presence. So you have a special market and are interested in Coral? No problem, talk to us! The MVP portal is divided into five main categories with subcategories that hold product messages and associated marketing materials to convey them. These categories are:
Bird: Qualities and Characteristics
- Definition and Character
- Special Strength and Advantages
- Market Footprint
Egg Quality
- Number
- Size and Weight
- Shell Strength (Salability in terms of Transportability)
- Shell Color (Salability in terms of Uniformity)
- Feed Intake and Adaptability
- Feed Efficiency
- NutriCubes (correct layer-targeted feed management for short—for Vets and Farm Staff)
Bird: Production and Management
- Housing and Adaptability
- Laying
- Economic Value
Support Services
- Technical Services and Support
- Marketing Materials and Support
- Software
- Training
How to use the MVP to your benefit—the process
At one of your next meetings, your Key Account Manager (KAM) will ask for some extra time to sit down with you and show you around the new portal. It basically works like an a-la-carte restaurant with a lot of choice.
- You can choose what bird features are most important in your local market.
- You can choose up to 3 product values for each breed you have, which matter most to your customers.
Next, choose:
3a.) the channel(s) – a channel is anything that puts messaged material through to your customers! So, a channel could be your website, LinkedIn or other social media or mass media channels you use. A channel can also be a personal agent or a staff member assigned to marketing. A channel can be your trucks driving around with H&N motifs printed on them. It may be posters, brochures or other print material that you bring to your customers. A channel can be an e-mail, mass mailings or how callers are greeted by your answering machine or central switch board.
And then:
3b) choose your timeline, mark the frequency and duration with which you will be using the materials. Mark your calendar: when and how often will customers get targeted with your material? Hold the marketing representative (your staff or yourself) accountable with regular actions! Because regular activity is mandatory to create the “buzz”: ongoing impressions in your customers’ brains that make them consider your brand!
4. Now, budget the material, make an estimate of what costs will occur, and how much of these can be covered by using your marketing cash rebate. All H&N customers are eligible for their individual marketing cash rebate depending on the business model of your choice! This way, we directly re-invest in your local brand presence and support your sales! The cash rebate can be used to produce and print material locally, for example, or to book media space in local trade or public media, to place advertisements.
Finally, also get your sales team trained—our KAM have more to offer, they can show your team how to answer and handle any kind of factual or critical questions from your customers; and we offer ready-to-use PowerPoint presentations for each bird. All to tell the story well—and to sell well!
Ask your Key Account Manager (KAM) to show you the Market Value Proposition (MVP) and spend your cash rebate to create more buzz! You are great and you deserve the world—and primarily your markets—to know more about you!