Back to the Future
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

H&N International

Lanna Poultry and Grow up, Thailand, and H&N International reconnect

Cuxhaven/Bangkok, October 2020 – Ability to make best choices requires a variety to choose from. What is true in genetic selection propagates also into business and poultry management.
Only holistic solutions that work well and pay off over time will prevail.
Thailand based Lanna Poultry and Grow up had worked with H&N International before and tested breeds from other genetics as well.
The pivotal aspect to go back and partner with H&N International again, was not just the power of its’ adaptable breeds, but the quality of the service and support.
“That’s why we are very honored and very happy to work with Lanna Poultry and Grow up again”, says Xabier Arbe, Business Unit Director at H&N International.

“We absolutely welcome being thoroughly tested against other genetics performance data and customer experiences and benchmarked qualitatively and quantitatively, because that’s how we can really show our great winning potential and walk the talk! A customer choosing to come back to us after testing other breeds is one of the biggest compliments you can possibly get as a genetic!”