2021 – Let’s make it a year of Layers
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España Francia
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

2021 – Let’s make it a year of Layers

2021 – Let’s make it a year of Layers

According to the Chinese calendar 2020 was the year of the Rat. We have seen very dynamic developments and challenges all over the world and reaching into everybody’s’ personal and work life. The next year will be under the reign of the Buffalo. But when it comes to us at H&N International, we will work to make it a year of the best layers.


In 2020 H&N International celebrated 75th anniversary. We are one of the oldest genetics in the world, and at present number four in global market share. Being a David amongst the three big Goliaths puts us in a position of being a real new and different choice for parent stock customers. And a save choice, too, because of our proven track record of 75 years in the business.

2020 was the year for us to step back into the limelight. We have re-launched our web presence, we offer our knowledge and content in a new, faster-to-find way, and we started to offer more interaction and exchange online. We all hope for travel restrictions and difficulties to cease, so events, trade fairs and logistics can go back to normal. But we will keep and broaden our digital presence also in future to complement the analog part and always at any time be close to you.

Our birds are good at everything and at home anywhere in the world – and so are we. That’s the “more” in our claim. We don’t just offer premium genetics, but also premium business partnership.


2021 will see H&N International gain more presence, and especially step forward in our growth markets.

We will continue to do what we have been best at for the last 75 years: Selecting the most adaptable birds and supporting customers in rearing and managing them to achieve unparalleled profits with unparalleled birds.

Let’s make 2021 a year of profitable partnership together.

By the way: Have you seen “The Chickipedia” yet? Everything about parent stock and layers in a referenced online encyclopedia.