The Oval Eggspedition 
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

The Oval Eggspedition 

H&N International

H&N International film shows sensational new perspective on shell strength Cuxhaven/Wuerzburg, 20.04.2021 – “No one has seen these images ever before!” the...

The Oval Eggspedition 

H&N International

H&N International film shows sensational new perspective on shell strength

Cuxhaven/Wuerzburg, 20.04.2021 – “No one has seen these images ever before!” the presenters’ voice announces at the beginning of this movie that takes an unprecedented look at eggshell strength. H&N International, claiming to offer customers the best shell strength in the market, turned to one of the worlds’ best film makers and science photographers: Stefan Diller.  “The task was to visualize the perfect product packaging of quality eggs in a new, unforgettable way”, says Xabier Arbe, Business Unit Manager.
While other expeditions focus on the vast universe far away, H&N International looks inwards to show why small things have big impacts. This rings particularly true for shell strength. As one of the worlds’ oldest genetic companies, H&N International keeps optimizing egg quality, profitability, and salability, through improved shell strength under various feeding and living conditions. The global team of specialists at H&N International thrives to improve all criterions about layer and egg production in all areas, from the most obvious to the most invisible to the human eye.
Click here to see the film