Profit-producing Pocket Cockpit
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Profit-producing Pocket Cockpit

Profit-producing Pocket Cockpit

H&N introduces KAI, the portable farming assistant for your cell phone

Cuxhaven, 1st December 2021 – Way over 900 farmers and industry specialists from all over the world had registered for the online launch event of KAI, the industries’ first layer farming assistant. Introduced and presented by host Dr. Fernando Carrasquer KAI hit the stage – and the world – as a true novelty designed for true holistic assistance in all bird and egg production processes. You can watch a recording of the launch on our campus

KAI is an assistant like no other, because it combines data analysis with proactive recommendations and activity alerts for each single day and each development step in the life of a bird. KAI proactively tells you everything you need to know and do! Optimized for mobile devices on Android or iOS KAI is a real digital companion to be taken anywhere you want – barn, office, house or on holiday. What KAI does is making layer farming more efficient, faster, saver and altogether easier than ever. Modern layer farming management is portable and can happen from anywhere in the world now.



A true farming assistant for any farm

KAI is fully scalable to any size of farm and team. Access to various data and information according to different job roles, areas of specialization and responsibilities can be controlled in a very easy way.

Eyeing and monitoring all sorts of production criteria is the daily job anyway. But few people have extra-time to transfer data manually into spreadsheets, twiddle with any half-baked software that records data but doesn’t help to make any sense of it, let alone suggesting targeted countermeasures when results are not on track.

H&N International has designed KAI as a truly user friendly, customer centered solution for all situations and challenges in the rearing and production business to manage profit-growth from day one and all through the entire production cycle until after 100 weeks.

KAI comes in two versions: Blue KAI for rearing parent stock or DOL, available in Google Play starting December 1st, 2021 for Android with iOS being currently worked on by Apple and soon to follow, and Red KAI specializing on the production of hatching and table eggs, scheduled to launch in Spring 2022.

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