H&N International at the World Poultry Virtual Congress
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
España España
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

H&N International at the World Poultry Virtual Congress

H&N International at the World Poultry Virtual Congress

H&N International invites visitors to the company booth at the World Poultry Virtual Congress (WPVC) by HIPRA. “We look very much forward to welcoming poultry industry professionals, hatchery and technical specialists and business newcomers alike” says Xabier Arbe, Head of Business Unit. “Who looks for information on world-leading parent stock, super-successful strains and high-performance layers will find all this and much more at our booth!”

The last year saw H&N International flex the muscles in re-enforcing the brand experience and in successfully re-gaining former markets and entering new ones as well. “Our birds and our brand together make the big difference, because our mission is to be the most customer centered genetic. And has ever been already since 1947.”

Two key-note speeches of Dr. Fernando Carrasquer provide profound and edutaining insights into why biosecurity is crucial throughout successful production over 100 weeks and more. Not just small organisms also – and worse! – seemingly small management mistakes proliferate and create big problems. Dr. Carrasquer shows why and how to prevent them:

15th June, 12:35, 19:40, 2:45 (+1) Madrid (CEST) – How to avoid costly mistakes in biosecurity

16th June, 11:15, 18:20, 1:25 (+1) Madrid (CEST) – Challenge of late immunity in layer hens older than 60 weeks