Back from a vivid VIV Europe 2022
H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers
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H&N Breeders and Distributors of the world finest layers

Back from a vivid VIV Europe 2022

Back from a vivid VIV Europe 2022

Cuxhaven/Utrecht – Amongst some 600 exhibitors from around the world H&N International participated at the VIV Europe 2022 from May 31st till June 2nd. Our two Technical Service Specialists Pratap Rananavare and Leon Schouren represented H&N International onsite.

“Everyone was excited to meet in person again and feel the human touch in professional and personal relationships”, says Rananavare who travelled from his H&N office in Poona, India, to support the VIV in Utrecht again this year. He and cage-free specialist Leon Schouren were very happy to meet many customers again after almost three years of Covid-caused trade fair absence and conversations running over the phone or the computer. “And we also got many visits from people newly interested into H&N birds. Our brand promise of outstanding adaptability and production efficiency is clearly a very important selling proposition”, says Leon Schouren. Many visitors with a strong interest in commercial egg production came to visit from Holland, Germany, Belgium, Poland and Hungary. Fewer visitors came from US and Canada, and only very few from Asian countries.

Fast, easy, safe, reliable – KAI

Easy management is another topic H&N International tabs in to yet greater extend with the new farming assistant KAI. “Our leaflets and brochures always are in high demand. On top of that many people requested more information about our KAI app, because mobile enabled farming not only makes layer production easier, it also helps to make it far more efficient and profitable, because failures can be prevented before they occur”, say both. Unlike many other in the industry, H&Ns KAI really is an assistant that offers practical real-time advice and gives heads-up notice upfront for upcoming tasks. “Such a digital support works like an extra insurance against potential failures”, says Leon Schouren. Tradition, too, is a good point: “One team visiting from a big feed mill was surprised that H&N International had already 76 years of experience under the belt”, recalls Schouren.

Brands under scrutiny

Key points of interests, according to Schouren, are more than ever differentiators in breeds and services. Many customers invested the past two years in reassessing brand promises from different suppliers and, more than ever, are looking for clear unique selling propositions and benefits in their genetic partners as layer and egg production has become ever more challenging.

The entire team of H&N International, the colleagues on site and everyone supporting the VIV 2022 remotely, too, share the general feeling of excitement after a long trade-free period of time due to the Pandemic. “Everyone wants to start a new chapter now, and we are most happy to support existing and new customers!” says Rananavare.